Tech Infrastructure for Kingdom Building
Tech Infrastructure for Kingdom Building
PCS is a non-profit Christian Technology &
Media Ministry powered by Web3

Join our Coalition of Forward Thinking Ministries & Supporters
What is Project Church Seed ?

A Church Ecosystem for Technology & Media
Utilizing disruptive technologies to help the church
flourish and amplify its ministries
Utilizing disruptive technologies to help the church
flourish and amplify its ministries

Media Production is the New Foundation
Supply Chain
for Humanity
Social Media
Info Services
1st Pillar
2nd Pillar
3rd Pillar
Christian Institute of Technology & Media
Christian Institute of Technology and Media (CITM)
We are at a critical crossroads where humanity either learn to control the machines or the machines will control us
The future continuity of the church depends on our ability to harness these technologies and pass on it's wise usage to a new generations of hearts, minds & souls who can help guide the future of civilization

The Supply Chain for Humanity
Using technology to augment charity based food banks with revenue generating church marketplaces for local farmers, food producers & consumers
Intelligent use of data analytics to collect and map out key resources such as available land, crop selections, transportation. food processing, storage and distribution points
Promoting local sustainability by maximizing economic opportunities for all
Christian Social Media & Information Services
Creating the nerve center for Kingdom Building by combining key services from social media, free speech platforms, resource planning, human services and Christian intelligence
Tools to strengthen families, engage the culture wars, and win

Church Treasuries
Decentralized Finance empowers churches to become their own independent credit unions with advanced online banking & financial services
These church centered financial services will also provide a robust gateway to the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts
Churches now have real opportunities towards creating their own passive revenue streams with PCS
Media Production is the New Foundation
We live in an age where social media & gaming reigns supreme in the "Attention Economy" while attendance in cinema, sports and sadly churches are all in decline
PCS will employ "Attention Engineering" & media production tech for rapidly expanding Christian inspired content where news, documentaries, drama, comedies & concerts are all used to raise human consciousness

Media Production is the New Foundation
We live in an age where social media & gaming reigns supreme in the "Attention Economy" while attendance in cinema, sports and sadly churches are all in decline
PCS will employ "Attention Engineering" & media production tech for rapidly expanding Christian inspired content where news, documentaries, drama, comedies & concerts are all used to raise human consciousness

Church Treasuries
Decentralized Finance empowers churches to become their own independent credit unions with advanced online banking & financial services
These church centered financial services will also provide a robust gateway to the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts
Churches now have real opportunities towards creating their own passive revenue streams with PCS

Christian Social Media & Information Services
Creating the nerve center for Kingdom Building by combining key services from social media, free speech platforms, resource planning, human services and Christian intelligence
Tools to strengthen families, engage the culture wars, and win

The Supply Chain for Humanity
Using technology to augment charity based food banks with revenue generating church marketplaces for local farmers, food producers & consumers
Intelligent use of data analytics to collect and map out key resources such as available land, crop selections, transportation. food processing, storage and distribution points
Promoting local sustainability by maximizing economic opportunities for all

Christian Institute of Tech & Media (CITM)
We are at a critical crossroads where humanity either learn to control the machines or the machines will control us
The future continuity of the church depends on our ability to harness these technologies and pass on it's wise usage to a new generations of hearts, minds & souls who can help guide the future of civilization
Kingdom Building Use Cases
PCS is building a Church inspired world where the following is possible

Home Churches Cloud
Merging the smallest ministries
together into a powerful global
Christian outreach network
Group Procurement
Consolidating economic power of
church members to discount items
from groceries to real estate
Church Fundraising
Next generation fundraising methods
ranging from project crowdfunding to
cryptocurrency staking dividends
Christian Intel & Analytics
Providing Christians with actionable
intelligence and steps that protect
critical Conservative values
Apologetic Database
Advancing Christian theological &
intellectual debate using analytic
tools designed for the culture war
Jesus on Every Device
From ancient scrolls to the latest
iOS, android, windows & web devices
so nobody gets left behind
Church Food Supply Chain
Online Growers Co-Op powered
by backyard farmers, local church
distribution & smart contracts
Member Biz Support
Targeted advertising with advanced
surveys to help Christians identify
internal business opportunities
Matching Member Needs
Matching members with needs to
other members with the time, skills,
resources and wisdom to offer
Kingdom Building Use Cases
PCS is building a Church inspired world where the following is possible

Church Fundraising
Next generation fundraising methods
ranging from project crowdfunding to
cryptocurrency staking dividends
Group Procurement
Consolidating economic power of
church members to discount items
from groceries to real estate
Home Churches Cloud
Merging the smallest ministries into
a powerful global Christian outreach
network for all
Jesus on Every Device
From ancient scrolls to the latest
iOS, android, windows & web devices
so nobody gets left behind
Apologetic Database
Advancing Christian theological &
intellectual debate using analytic
tools designed for the culture war
Christian Intel & Analytics
Providing Christians with actionable
intelligence and steps that protect
critical Conservative values
Matching Member Needs
Matching members with needs to
other members with the time, skills,
resources and wisdom to offer
Member Biz Support
Targeted advertising with advanced
surveys to help Christians identify
internal business opportunities
Church Food Supply Chain
Online Growers Co-Op powered by
backyard farmers, local church
distribution & smart contracts
Initial Fundraising Roadmap

Tier 1 Milestone
Bridge to the Kingdom
$1M - 5M
Prototyping Phase
Crypto Infrastructure
Core Social Media Services
Apologetics Database
Full time grant writer
Tier 2 Milestone
Kingdom Foundation
$10 - 50M
1st Phase Rollout
Initial Church Network Rollout
Supply Chain Recruitment
Automation features
Team features
Mobile prototyping

Tech Infrastructure for Kingdom Building
PCS is a non-profit Christian Technology &
Media Ministry powered by Web3
Join our Coalition of Forward Thinking Ministries & Supporters
What is Project Church Seed ?

A Church Ecosystem for
Technology & Media
Utilizing disruptive technologies to help the church flourish and amplify its ministries

Media Production is the New Foundation
1st Pillar
2nd Pillar
Social Media
Info Services
3rd Pillar
Supply Chain
for Humanity
Christian Institute of Technology & Media

Media Production is the New Foundation
We live in an age where social media & gaming reigns supreme in the "Attention Economy" while attendance in cinema, sports and sadly churches are all in decline
PCS will employ "Attention Engineering" & media production tech for rapidly expanding Christian inspired content where news, documentaries, drama, comedies & concerts are all used to raise human consciousness

Church Treasuries
Decentralized Finance empowers churches to become their own independent credit unions with advanced online banking & financial services
These church centered financial services will also provide a robust gateway to the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts
Churches now have real opportunities towards creating their own passive revenue streams with PCS

Christian Social Media & Information Services
Creating the nerve center for Kingdom Building by combining key services from social media, free speech platforms, resource planning, human services and Christian intelligence
Tools to strengthen families, engage the culture wars, and win

The Supply Chain for Humanity
Using technology to augment charity based food banks with revenue generating church marketplaces for local farmers, food producers & consumers
Intelligent use of data analytics to collect and map out key resources such as available land, crop selections, transportation. food processing, storage and distribution points
Promoting local sustainability by maximizing economic opportunities for all

Christian Institute of Tech & Media (CITM)
We are at a critical crossroads where humanity either learn to control the machines or the machines will control us
The future continuity of the church depends on our ability to harness these technologies and pass on it's wise usage to a new generations of hearts, minds & souls who can help guide the future of civilization
Kingdom Building Use Cases
PCS is building a Church inspired world where the following is possible

Church Fundraising
Next generation fundraising methods
ranging from project crowdfunding to
cryptocurrency staking dividends
Group Procurement
Consolidating economic power of
church members to discount items
from groceries to real estate
Home Churches Cloud
Merging the smallest ministries into
a powerful global Christian outreach
network for all
Jesus on Every Device
From ancient scrolls to the latest
iOS, android, windows & web devices
so nobody gets left behind
Apologetic Database
Advancing Christian theological &
intellectual debate using analytic
tools designed for the culture war
Christian Intel & Analytics
Providing Christians with actionable
intelligence and steps that protect
critical Conservative values
Matching Member Needs
Matching members with needs to
other members with the time, skills,
resources and wisdom to offer
Member Biz Support
Targeted advertising with advanced
surveys to help Christians identify
internal business opportunities
Church Food Supply Chain
Online Growers Co-Op powered by
backyard farmers, local church
distribution & smart contracts
Initial Fundraising Roadmap

Tier 1 Milestone
Bridge to the Kingdom
Prototyping Phase
Crypto Infrastructure
Core Social Media Services
Apologetics Database
Full time grant writer
Tier 2 Milestone
Kingdom Foundation